Hi! Iā€™m Kelsey.

I strive to help others work toward change, find healing, and develop deeper feelings of connectedness. I am dedicated to coming alongside every client with empathy, honesty, and compassion to skillfully navigate the complexities of life and relationships. I invite a collaborative approach to therapy by acting as a helper in the growth process while empowering clients to examine their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors to better advocate for their own success. I work to create an environment that allows others to do the things they are capable of at their best.

I work with clients from a holistic perspective, keeping in mind the biological, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions that are all part of the healing process. We all have a rich and complex story. I am excited about hearing yours and all that it has meant for your life.


Formal Education and Training:

I am licensed with the Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists. I hold a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Sociology from Portland State University and a Master of Arts (MA) in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from George Fox University. Major coursework has included Principles & Techniques of Counseling, Human Growth & Development, Psychopathology, Personality and Counseling Theory, Social and Cultural Foundations, Group Theory and Therapy, Professional Orientation, Couple/Family Therapy, and Lifestyle and Career Development.